OIM Interview Questions -Real Interview based Question

Latest Interview Questions :

1) What is eventhandler and how its different from entity adapter .
2) Scenario : Suppose you have to track who made changes in User profile from Helpdesk Group (Name of person ) how will you configure that . Means what ever change in user profile attributes the name of person should be known .
3)Scneraio : When you do intial bulk load ,how you update manager's as for intial load the manager may load later .
4)Why OVD is used in OID Ldap sync .
5)Cookies of OAM 11g . What are new cookies name
6) What are request ,template and operational approvals in OIM11g.
7) Difference Authorization policy and Access policy .
8) Have you done ADF customization & branding changes .
9) What are SOA composites . What is process for registration with OIM .
10) Why MDS is used in OIM 11g . Is it due security reasons.
11)What is difference between Task and Job in 11g OIM.
12) Process to create custom Connector . Logical steps .
13) Process for Request Dataset creations and MDS utilities explanation .
14) Scenarion : You have 5 AD sources ,you have to do reconciliation . How would you do that ?
15) What is DIP sync and Replication in OID .


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