
Showing posts from May, 2012

OIM Interview Questions Collections

Problem : How to use FVCUtil(Form Version Control Utility) in OIM for newer version of form to work for users which are already provisioned with that resource object. Solution :OIM have “Form Version Control Utility” (FVCUtil) utility to deal with this. By the help of FVCUtil, newer version of form will work for existing users(i.e: users those are already provisioned with the old . Run the fvcutil.cmd for this but need to make sure \ file should be properly configured then only changes will be reflect. Important question Object form versus Process form { Object form in 11g Replaced by Request Data Set} The basics are that a Process form is attached to a process, such as a provisioning process, and an object form is attached to a resource object. When a provisioning process has been initiated that form is required data.However, if a request, either a self-request or a request from some manager or admin, is initiated, then it is not yet a provisioning process an